The earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.


Ancestry and Ancestor Worship

A major part of Heathenism includes the concept of ancestor worship.

To some people this is at first glance a rather foreign or alien concept; however if you stop and think about it, nothing could be further from the truth.

In our modern society, we still have pictures on our walls of our family members, both living and deceased.

Items that once belonged to loved ones who have passed away tend to get handed down from generation to generation. These items tend to have pride of place in the home, or are kept under lock and key. When brought out for display purposes, they are treated with reverence and respect.

Prime examples from my own life include my Wife’s Grandfather’s WWII medals, or my Uncle’s beer stein from the former Canadian military base he was stationed at in Germany. Even something as seemingly mundane as my Grandfather’s harmonica takes on a special significance as a relic of my ancestry.

I am fortunate enough to have a head start on digging into my own family’s past. My paternal Grandmother was a genealogist. Through her, I know my direct ancestors on my Father’s side moved to the U.S. from Scotland before the War of 1812. They moved north into Canada during that war, and were United Empire Loyalists.

Scottish Kings and Heroes

History, however, has a way of muddying the waters of ancestry.

My mother’s side had no clue where they came from. Their last name, Christo, is an obvious derivative of the Greek “Christos,” or “Christ.” This made sense for the most part. Dark hair and olive skin tends to run through that side, so it was widely accepted that my maternal grandfather’s side of the family were Greek. No other markers of this culture have been passed down, all having presumably been lost to time and distance from the “old country.”

In one of those quirks of fate, it turns out that the “old country” is actually England.

Cornwall, to be exact.

My mother ran into a distant cousin who has been tracking down the genealogical threads of that side of the family, and it turns out I’m part Cornish, and not Greek. The dark hair and olive skin? Apparently the name Christo was changed from Christoe, and the members of that family who resided for generations in Cornwall originally migrated there from Spain. Go figure.

So what does this have to do with Ancestor worship or being Heathen?

Well, my little rabbit trail had a point. Even if you think you know where you come from, your family tree may not be as straight as you think.

Some people think, inaccurately, that to be Heathen you must be able to prove a direct ancestry from Scandinavia. On a broader scale, the Germanic tribes are also generally accepted.

Here’s where History muddies the waters.

Let’s say that, like me, you believe all of your descendants came from the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales… Ok, yes, Cornwall too. Mustn’t leave anyone out.)

It’s generally believed in Pagan circles that this ancestry puts you firmly in Celt territory, and yes, at one point in history, it would have.

However, Northern Europe has a long and varied past. The U.K. being in Northern Europe shares in that past.

If you go back far enough, the map of Europe looks very different.

File:Germanic kingdoms 526CE.png

The Britons were displaced by the Romans. When the Romans left, the Angles and Saxons filled the void. This was a Germanic tribe, practicing their own form of the religion now being reconstructed by modern Heathens.

The Orkney Islands and the Hebrides were, for a long time, considered part of Norway. They are today part of the U.K.

The map shows Europe in 526.

By the 8th of June, 793 the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles tell of the first Viking raid on British soil:

“They came…to the church of Lindisfarne, and laid all waste with dreadful havoc, trod with unhallowed feet the holy places, dug up the altars and carried off all the treasures of the holy church. Some of the brethren they killed; some they carried off in chains; many they cast out, naked and loaded with insults; some they drowned in the sea.”

There’s a lot going on there. First of all, this is an example of an attack by the vikings on a Germanic tribe (the Anglo-Saxons.)

It’s obvious that at this point in history Christianity has displaced the former pagan religion of the Anglo-Saxons, so it can be argued that this isn’t Heathen on Heathen violence. It does, however, give us a glimpse of the motivating factors of the vikings. At this point in history every little settlement was fortified and defended. Churches were not. What the monks of the time view with horror (how dare they trod with unhallowed feet!) The vikings saw as easy pickings.

These weren’t religiously motivated raids. This was a case of the church believing that their god would keep them out of harms way, and thinking that no one would dare defy him by intruding on his house and taking off with his treasure.

This is the modern equivalent of leaving a car unlocked and unattended in the bad part of town, with the keys in it, then walking away and praying that no one enter “with unhallowed feet” and take off in your ride. Innocence? Ignorance? Arrogance? Take your pick.

If you are the one writing the history books, I’m sure you can spin it however you’d like.

Here’s where I’m going with this:

The Anglo-Saxons were raided by the vikings, who were a mix of Scandinavian peoples.

By 1066, the earl of Wessex (an Anglo-Saxon Lord), the Duke of Normandy, and the King of Norway were all eyeing the throne of England. The English King, Edward the confessor had died, kicking off the Norman Invasion.

As a thank-you to a group of Flemish (Belgians) who had fought with him during the conquest, William the Conqueror gave titles and land in Scotland. This is where my ancestor, Freskin de Moravia comes into play. He is the founder of the Scottish Clan from which I am descended.

I’m sure there are remnants of Pictish, British, Celt, Anglo-Saxon, Norman, Flemish, and potentially Norse blood flowing through my veins. History has a way of twisting things around. Conquerors become settlers, who become locals, who become the conquered.


Short of DNA testing, there is no way to know for sure who your ancestors were. Taking sides and saying that one group of ancient peoples was somehow superior to another group from a similar culture is…innocence? ignorance? arrogance?

Take your pick.

The fact remains that Northern Europe was a swirling pool of tribes and cultures, from whom our modern western civilization has sprouted and grown. We can take pride in knowing that we are the descendants of an entire region full of people who lived, raised their children, and honoured their ancestors, just as we do today.

International Pagan Coming Out Day

May 2nd is International Pagan Coming Out Day.

I have shared my own coming out story and reasons that I came out on here previously.

I want to share the following link, and in doing so, share the struggles of other modern Pagans who have made the decision to be open about who they truly are.

Know your rights. Be brave. Don’t hide who you really are, because that person is amazing.

Photo: No one should have to hide their religion out of fear.

Growing Our Pagan Community

World Tree by Alexander Faolchu on

In a previous post, I mentioned that I am seriously thinking about starting a local Heathen kindred. Here, I will go further to explain where I’m coming from and why I have a real desire to see the Pagan community grow as a whole.

Fear can make you do strange things.

As a new Pagan, I had a fear that other people would find out. I had been raised christian, gone to bible college, and as far as my family was concerned, had been raised “right”.

My wife I had been solitary Pagans for roughly 5 years when we got married. There were three ministers from two different denominations present in the church we were married in. I only tell you this so you have some idea about how deep in the Pagan closet I was hiding.

Then, in 2008 an event happened that literally forced me to march out of that closet in all my Pagan glory. The event was so life changing that I can honestly say that nothing before or since has had such a profound effect on my life.

The event in question?

The birth of our first daughter.

The reason this had such a profound effect on me?

I was forced to man-the-F*** up!

For the first time in my life my actions and decisions had a direct effect on another person’s life. I was not willing to put my child through the confusion and fear of being raised in the pagan closet. I also knew that eventually our family would find out anyways.

Kids say the darnedest things, and all that.

So, when my family started pestering us about getting each of my daughters baptized into the church, we held a simple outdoor dedication rite to raise them in our faith instead.

This is where the “Pagan community” ball started rolling for me…

I found myself in the position of being an openly Pagan parent, with little to no connections to any other local Pagans. We had one Pagan friend, who’s children are roughly the same age as ours.

Seeing the kids play together got me thinking about their futures as kids raised in Pagan homes.

Would they be forced to live through the same hostilities as the Pagans of my generation have had to endure? Or will religious tolerance finally catch up to the point where a person can list being Pagan as their faith without being subjected to ridicule and general nastiness?

Someone needs to do something to ensure a bright future for Paganism locally and globally. Being a DIY kind of guy, I take the “if not me, then who?” approach.

Being a solitary for over a decade, I knew I needed to get some group experience, and make connections with other pagans. Again, I took a local and global approach. close to a year ago I joined a local Druid grove, and an international Druid group (ADF.) I also attended my first local Pagan Pride Day, and dragged the whole family along.

Which brings me up to today. My grove is making plans for Beltane  which my family and I are looking forward to.

The only problem I’ve encountered is time. My current grove is in a city 45 min. from where I live. When they hold events and study groups through the work week I sometimes can’t attend due to shift work. Also, their focus is Celtic, and I’m a Heathen.

I love my grove, and will continue to be an active member as long as they’ll have me, but I feel the need to try and get things rolling on an even more local level. Hence the reason I am thinking about starting a Kindred in my own town.

How will I do this?

I am thinking I will have to start with a broadly focused Pagan coffee social or pub moot, in order to get other local pagans to come out and make connections. Next, I will offer to host a Heathen study group for anyone interested in the old Gods of Northern Europe. From there, I should be able to find a few dedicated and like minded people who are willing to form a strong core for a kindred.

It may sound odd, but I think in order to grow our Pagan communities, we need to approach things from two fronts. We need to reach out to the broadest segment of our community (Pagans as an umbrella group) while simultaneously strengthening and building small core groups, from which we can support and nurture our personal beliefs and practices.

These small groups will be able to reinforce the efforts of other local pagans with regards to showing up at Pagan events and providing alternatives for new Pagans who are looking for the right path for themselves.

Having a strong pagan community is good for every Pagan in that community, regardless of their personal path or affiliations.

I believe that it is up to us to provide the strong Pagan communities that we hope will be there for our children.

If not us, then who?

The Quest for the Horn

I am currently thinking about forming a Heathen Kindred in my town. This isn’t something that I take on lightly. The only thing missing from my solitary Heathen practice, which will be needed in a group setting, is a totally bad-ass drinking horn.

This line of thinking had me googling until the wee small hours of the morning (drinking horns, make a drinking horn, sources for drinking horns, pictures of kittens with drinking horns, you get the idea.)

Surprisingly, in this modern “dishwasher and microwave safe” world, drinking horns are a difficult commodity to come by locally.

Thus begins “THE QUEST FOR THE HORN!” (insert thunder and lightning for effect.)

I am very much a do-it-yourself kinda guy, so seeing some of the inflated prices for drinking horns online kicked my creative-self into high gear.

Short of adding a new, terrifying element to the time-honored tradition of cow tipping, I knew I would need to track down a reliable source for horn.

The little delving that I did on-line had me come a cross a few questionable sites out of Africa (I’m sure the Canadian FBI now has a file on me) as well as the realization that even to get one from the States could potentially end up with my new purchase getting lost while going through customs at the border.

Don’t laugh, I have a friend who purchased a guitar from China which got confiscated at the border because it had been built with some sort of Chinese plant fibers. This “cheap” guitar ended up costing him money for nothing. Let this be a lesson to you…there’s no such thing as a high quality tofu guitar.

And so, yesterday morning I sat down to write what I now consider one of the oddest emails i have ever had to compose:

“To (my local veterinary clinic),


I have a bit of an odd question.
I am a local (my town’s name here), and I am looking for a source for cattle horns for crafting purposes.
I am currently a woodcarver, and would like to try carving (scrimshaw style) on horn. I know your clinic does de-horning, and was wondering if any horns you have access to would be large enough for my purposes or not.
If you don’t have horn, do you know any reputable sources in the area that I could contact? I am willing to purchase them for a reasonable price. I am also willing to take horn in any condition, since I am willing to clean it myself.
Thank you for your time, and any response would be appreciated.
Thanks again,
(crazy horn dude)”
So now I wait…


On finding out that I’m Pagan, my mother and I were talking about the different holidays, and how nothing will change involving our family traditions because the Pagan and Christian holidays overlap. She didn’t get how Christmas could possibly be anything but Christian (“Jesus is the reason for the season, after all!” “Mom, what does Jesus have to do with holly, garland, Santa, Christmas trees, etc.?!?”) Then I told her that historically Jesus wasn’t even born in December.

“Well, at least Easter is a strictly Christian holiday. Will you still let your girls do Easter egg hunts now that you are pagan? They’re going to miss out on the Easter bunny!”


First off, I’ve been pagan for over a decade. I’m not just now becoming one, even though she has only recently found out about it. I overlooked this in my response to her, which went something like this:

Me: “What does Jesus have to do with eggs and bunny’s?”

Mom: “I don’t know, they represent spring, and new life. I figured they had to do with the resurrection somehow.”

Me: ” Spring and new life are right. They are symbols of fertility.”

Mom: “No way. Do you think the church knows about this?”


Pagan Music Sampler

So, as an addition to my “What is Paganism?” post, I figured I’d throw in this small sampling of some of my favorite pagan music.

Be forewarned: Pagan music doesn’t fit into any one category. It is as broad and diverse as the people within the Pagan community. These are some of my favorite songs from across a broad range of Pagan and Heathen artists. These probably won’t flow as well as if I was compiling my favorite classic rock songs into one space. I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I do:

Omnia’s “I don’t speak Human” Is a beautiful, powerful song, regardless of your spiritual beliefs. I’ll let it speak for itself…

Faun’s “Karuna” is another great song. I love when I come across a very well polished and professional sounding Pagan group. This band is great for chilling out to.

The Pagan community tends towards the “do it yourself” ethic. This is how it should be done from a music perspective. No instruments, just voice, heart, and guts. As a guy, I am slightly jealous that this song sounds completely awkward coming from my mouth. 😉

Tyr’s “Hold the Heathen Hammer High” is at the opposite end of the musical spectrum from the last song, but it’s also a great song to pump you up. It’s also a great example that not all Pagan music contains harps and fairy folk prancing in a glade. This is pure, testosterone driven Viking metal. I love it. I’d love it more if I had long hair to whip around…lol.

By the way…Savage daughter? yeah, that woman can rock out the Viking drinking songs too…


Nothing but respect.

Do you have a favorite Pagan song?


Source: natebuzzed


Brewing Update:

I made some damn fine wine!

That Strawberry Zinfandel that was a little too “green” when I bottled it? Yeah, it was perfect just in time for Yule, and downright tasty now.

See what a little ageing, a little maturity can do?

I’m not so sure about maturity, but lately I’ve definitely been feeling my age. Fell down a flight of stairs on boxing day, and now I’m just getting over a nasty one-two punch of influenza and pneumonia. That wine is looking awfully good right about now.

Hoping to be able to make more time for writing. I find my posts start to sound like an encyclopedia when I haven’t been.

Also looking forward to the summer, when I can start brewing wines from just about anything I can find to ferment. I know a place where I can get a whole mess of blackberries and elderberries. Also been toying with the idea of doing a dandelion wine.


What is Paganism? Part 1

Since trying to answer the question “What is Paganism?” can be an exercise in frustration for all parties involved, I’ve decided to try to simplify the question by breaking down what Paganism is to me.

The problem with the question “what is a Pagan?” stems from the fact that it is actually an umbrella term for a wide variety of religious paths. It also tends to be heavily reliant on the personal experience of the individual Pagan. It’s sort of like asking a drummer, a violinist, and a singer to each demonstrate “what is music?” and expecting to get the same demonstration from all three. It just isn’t going to happen.

Likewise, ask a Wiccan, an Ásatrú, and a Kemetic Re-constructionist what they believe, and you will likely end up more confused than when you started.

So allow me to attempt, in very broad strokes, to paint a general picture of the Pagan landscape as I see it.

The Pagan Spectrum

In very general terms, Pagans tend to fall into two groups, each marked by two extreme opposites. There are modern, new age “Neo” Pagans, and there is die-hard, orthodox re-constructionists.  This is more like a sliding scale, and an individual Pagan can live anywhere between these two extremes. In fact, most pagans will slide around on this scale over the course of their individual Pagan journey.

I would argue that a major dividing line between Pagans is scholarship. At one end of the spectrum, you have the people who take their lore very seriously. These Pagans are very quick to point out what is “factual” and what is “fluff.” Taken to its extreme, these hard-line re-constructionists view ancient texts as sacred, and virtually infallible. In fact, this tends to be where you run into groups that try to alienate themselves from the term Pagan. They are (fill in the blank), they follow the teachings of (fill in ancient text/group of texts/specific pre-christian culture, etc.) to the exclusion of all else, and therefore cannot possibly be Pagan (according to themselves.)

At the other end of the spectrum is an unfortunately large group of (generally) brand new pagans who have picked up a random book, or bunch of books, by (insert random ridiculous High Priest/ess name, usually including the name of various flora, fauna, and fantasy characters.) These books generally have no scholarly basis whatsoever, however they tend to claim some form of undying lineage going all the way back to (the 1950’s/the burning times/pre-christian Europe  etc.) These individuals, after reading a single book of dubious credibility, suddenly know everything there is to know about all things Pagan and/or magickal, and automatically become “High Priest(ess) Bunny-thistle Dumbledor.” What this group lacks in scholarship, it tends to make up for in dramatic flare.

It’s my opinion that neither end of the spectrum is a good place for a Pagan to be. A healthy dose of skepticism, some book smarts, and a lot of elbow grease should find a pagan somewhere roughly in the middle. Not a complete airhead, but not a slave to archaeology and anthropology either.

Modern Pagans and Ethnic Religion

In answering the question “Who is a modern Pagan?” I find that it helps to try to understand the aims and objectives of following a Pagan path.

Modern Paganism is still in its relative infancy. In the 1800’s there was a period of interest in spiritualism and the occult. This was brought on in part because science was advancing rapidly. For once, people had something other than traditional “because God says so” answers to many of life’s questions. Unfortunately, science has a blind spot.

Where science was able to answer many questions about the world around us, it couldn’t cover people’s spiritual needs. Death is one of life’s only guarantees, and science is only able to give a shallow description of what happens to the physical body at the point of death. With Christianity losing it’s hold on the general populace, people sought answers elsewhere.

Of course, most of the spiritualism and occult practices that came out of the Victorian era were still heavily tied to the Abrahamic religions. These first attempts at questioning the standard beliefs of their time did, however, open the door to those who would follow.

The introduction of Wicca in the middle of the last century was a direct result of these Victorian spiritual thinkers. The massive social, cultural, political, and religious shifts that took place in the 1960’s and 1970’s further expanded what was considered acceptable within Pagan circles. Likewise, the internet gave these new beliefs and ideas a voice. Pagans are now able to communicate with each other, study, share ideas, and strengthen the Pagan community as a whole.

One thing that hasn’t changed much is the idea of tribalism. Many Pagans, whether solitary or belonging to a coven, grove, or kin, tend to have strong ties to a central core group of people. A modern-day equivalent to the ancient tribes. This can be as simple as an informal online forum or chat group, or as complex as an actual group of families, sworn to each other by bonds of shared faith.

This brings us back to the idea of the modern Pagan and ethnic religion. Humans are social creatures. We group together for survival. The more “modern” Paganism has become, the more it has started to mimic the Paganism of the old world (that is, the pre-Christian world.) We group together based on a shared sense of community. We form modern tribes.

The most common way that we identify ourselves and our tribes is through our “hearth cultures.” Many Pagans have a hearth culture that is based on an ethnic group. There are Native American, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Norse, Iberian, Roman, Greek, Mesopotamian and Egyptian Pagans, as well as many others that I’m sure I’ve missed. Likewise, I’d argue that, while not based on ethnicity, there are groups of Pagans out there that have formed a sort of modern tribe based on a set of common beliefs/ideologies.  For example, Goddess worship, feminism, the Faye, etc. are each used as the basis for a variety of pagan schools of thought.

Going back to my musical example, I’d compare these groupings to the “ethnic” groupings in music. Jazz, the blues, country, classical, Reggae, etc. each have their own origins in the culture of a specific group of Peoples. In the same way that a person doesn’t have to be African-American to appreciate Delta Blues, a person doesn’t have to be of a certain ethnicity (Egyptian, let`s say) to have an appreciation of, or belief in , that form of Paganism. Many Pagans are well read, and generally have a broad understanding and acceptance of other forms of Paganism, just like a musician who may play jazz, but has a respect and appreciation for flamenco.

If someone tells you a they are a musician, you automatically get a picture in your head of what they mean. Sometimes you can guess based on what they are wearing, but not always. The same thing goes for Pagans. In fact, many Pagans tend to blend into society very well. For some, it’s a matter of keeping their faith under wraps due to family or society pressure from non-Pagans. For others, it’s a matter of maintaining appearances and a professional demeanor due to career choices. It may come as a total shock, but many Pagans are completely “normal”! As with most things in life, it always seems that the obnoxious, loud, embarrassing 1% of a group somehow ends up being the stereotype that the rest of the group has to live with. It is unfortunate, but some Pagans stay “in the closet” for fear of being branded as a weirdo, due to how they think that they will be received by society.

Personally, I think that you should be the you that you are, not the you that someone else thinks you should be.